eCommerce challenges

Why is email retargeting essential for every online store ?

eCommerce challenges

These statistics show which obstacles eCommerce sellers must face daily. Low conversion during first visits causes that many people who visit your store will remain anonymous. No lesser a challenge is the struggle with abandoned shopping carts. On average, only every fourth cart filled with products is eventually paid for. Revhunter will enable you to effectively solve these problems !

How does email retargeting work?

See how Revhunter reaches your visitors

How does email retargeting work?

How to plan an email retargeting campaign

Jak zaplanować kampanię email retargetingową?

Your campaign is active. You can observe the sales !

Is this compliant with GDPR?

All sensitive data, such as email address, are processed in an anonymous and coded form by entities entitled to do so, thereby the data is secure at every stage of the processing. You do not have to worry about your users' privacy. You can find more information also in our Privacy Policy.

Czy to jest zgodne z RODO?
Privacy Policy
Czy to jest zgodne z RODO?

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